Your Path to Profit

The Business Blueprint

A Step-By-Step System To Increase Profit and Flow in 90-Days

The Business Blueprint

A Step-By-Step System to Increase Profit and Flow in 90-Days

Imagine the day that your business feels like it’s IN FLOW.


You're lit up about work, seeing an abundance in the bank. And have more energy because your work fits into your schedule.

Maybe it sounds impossible that your business could make money without burnout and still have a lasting impact on your customers. But that is exactly the energy I brought into building my 7-figure business over the past decade. I know it’s possible and I helped over 500 small businesses find their flow too.

If you feel like you’ve been putting in the hours, but the path hasn’t become clearer, this is for you...

Maybe it sounds impossible that your business could make money without burnout and still have a lasting impact on your customers. But that is exactly the energy I brought into building my 7-figure business over the past decade. I know it’s possible and I helped over 500 small businesses find their flow too.

If you feel like you’ve been putting in the hours, but the path hasn’t become clearer, this is for you...

The First Step Starts Here.

This course lays out the foundation that built my business – which I scaled and sold before turning 35. All while having two kids and a full plate! 

It’s the roadmap I use with my 1:1 clients.

You will learn:

  • What you should be selling and for how much. 
  • How to stop second guessing your decisions and grow that inner knowing within you.
  • How to leave behind the feeling like everyone else is making strides and start making your own.

You will learn:

  • What you should be selling and for how much. 
  • How to stop second guessing your decisions and grow that inner knowing within you.
  • How to leave behind the feeling like everyone else is making strides and start making your own.

Inside This Course:

Instant access to my system that takes every unique part of your business and turns it into a profit plan.

Training Videos

7 video modules that take you through the pillars of building a profit-based successful business.

Step-by-Step Workbook

Walk away with an actionable playbook for your business.

Lifetime Access

Return to these modules over-and-over again as you reach new phases in your business.


Module 1: Your Ideal Customer

Your market matters! Who they are, how they think, and what experience they need.

Module 2: Build Your Product Suite

Your services need to serve your customer's pains and build on each other.

Module 3: Time Is Money

Letting your business dictate your time is a path to burnout! Let's do things different.

Module 4: Pay Yourself!

Seriously. If you're not already, we make it happen. If you are, we increase it.

Module 5: Expenses vs Investment

Get clear on how to identify sunken dollars vs worthwhile investments.

Module 6: Beyond Breaking Even

Breaking even is nothing to scoff at, but it's not our end-goal. Profit makes us thrive!

Module 7: Your Action Blueprint

Put it all together with your business blueprint directly in your workbook.

What Students Say

Hey! I'm Staci.


Business mentor, profit strategist, mom of 2, and entrepreneur.

At the core of it all, I am obsessed with seeing small businesses succeed.

Between my 7-figure firm, and now, my coaching services, I’ve helped thousands of businesses increase their income and their impact while still having a life they love.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Business Blueprint

Pay In Full

$149 CAD

Lifetime Access