EP 13: Connecting Board of Directors Concepts to Your Small Business

Mar 30, 2023
EP 13 - School for Small Business Podcast


Thank you for joining us on the next episode of the School For Small Business Podcast!

In this solo episode, I’ll discuss how concepts I’ve learned from my experience with sitting on a board for an organization, agency or Fortune 500 company can be valuable to your small business! At first glance you might not think this will apply to you, but I’ve kept this episode short, sweet and to the point so you can see how it does and its great impact!

Tune in to hear about:
• 4:55 - What a board typically analyzes, such as the risks, financial health and longevity of the business.
• 7:33 - The benefits of having accountability and someone to report to.
• 11:20 - Major takeaway overall and how to have a critical perspective on your business plan.

The organizations that have these boards might be steps ahead of your own small business, but these lessons are great to keep in mind as you grow and expand! It doesn’t eliminate the heart behind your business or community, but only leaves more room for creativity and innovation!

If you found anything from this episode useful, I would love it if you shared this with a small business friend and invite them to listen next week for more tips, tricks, strategy and mindset building!


Staci's Links:
Instagram . Website

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